The record setting cold wave with snow, ice and sleet is finally dissipating. Nightly temperatures are above freezing and the last of the icy roadways have thawed so drivers need not worry about slippery pavement. During the worst of the blizzard, residents of panhandle Florida were wisely advised by government officials to stay home and…Read more
Tag: Native Species
When the Winter Weather Fools the Foliage
This winter’s exceptional weather was deceiving some popular springtime ornamental shrubs and fruit trees into flowering prematurely. The weather took a turn for the worse last week and the deception is over. Azaleas, for example, began blooming because there were warm days which followed a few days of cold. With the return of below seasonal…Read more
Sluggish Snakes of the Sunshine State
On the still days after a cold front has passed through panhandle Florida, the chilly silence can be thunderous. Only the occasional puff of wind in the pine needles and the crunch of heavy frost underfoot shatters the quiet. The appearance of lifeless tranquility is gradually withdrawn as the sun climbs into the southern sky…Read more
Natural Ways to Add Holiday Color
It will soon be the night before Christmas, and many a creature will be stirring in the house. Fortunately, it is not likely to be a mouse. The stockings are hung… somewhere in the abode with the hopes that Saint and Mrs. Nicholas got all their shopping done. The tree, either real or synthetic, represents…Read more
Shades of Green in the Cold Months
Winter of 2024/25 officially starts on Sunday, December 20, 2024. One can only guess if it will be harsh or mild by panhandle Florida standards. Along with the short days, the foliage’s color and leaf drop reflect the obvious. Still, there are native species which are displaying an emerald tint, at least for the time…Read more
Dealing With Unexpected Guests in the Garden
It is a weird and perverse universal cosmic law which applies to every homeowner with a yard. This particular statute compounds all that is positive and correct and turns it into a negative. This is why if a slice of buttered toast is dropped, the chances of it landing with the butter side down seem…Read more
Rooting Out Some Landscape Pests in the Sunshine State
Clipping, clearing, pruning and shaping are all part of the cool season improvement effort. There are also a variety of projects which require penetrating beneath the soil’s surface into the mostly unseen realm of roots and rhizomes. The common tree or shrub root holds few surprises. A woody root appears as the subsurface equivalent of…Read more
Leaves of Three, Leave It Be
As the holiday season comes into the home stretch and with a frosty morning last weekend, the two common local native vines are displaying holiday colors. Some, but not all, have changed from green to red. Both creeper and poison ivy can be a bright cherry red during the waning days of autumn and early…Read more
A Different Kind of Turkey
The day after Thanksgiving and the remains of yesterday’s dinner appear quite picked over. The culinary centerpiece, a turkey of pterodactyl proportions, appears to have been consumed by a namesake bird…the turkey buzzard. While two entirely different species, the shape and coloration of the head is the dominant similarity between the two. It is true…Read more
Snug as a Bug in a Log
One of the perpetual mysteries of life which is occasionally discussed over a cup of coffee on cold mornings is “how do the bugs survive in the frigid weather?” The truth is most do not, a vast majority living only a year or some seasonal fraction of it. Many human residents take pleasure, some sadistically,…Read more