Tag: Native Species

Something to be Passionate About in Florida’s Flower Scene

Picky eaters are always a problem. They will literally turn up their noses at many, if not most, culinary options placed before them.  For those making the offering available to the persnickety diner, the trial and error process of finding the right dish is particularly frustrating. This is especially true when considering the snobby consumer…Read more

A Vegetable Gardener’s Nemesis

Guests which are picky eaters are no fun, especially for a host. No matter what dish is served, there is always something wrong with it. It can be the wrong flavor, incorrect seasoning, improperly prepared or some other culinary offence which repels the persnickety visitor, and it frustrates the gracious and long suffering person who…Read more

They May Look Like Caterpillars, but Their Behavior Proves Otherwise

Looks, as the old saying goes, can be deceiving. This useful advice is certainly applicable to all the flying nocturnal visitors in the past weeks who are showing up in the home landscape and garden plots. Those small, nondescript moths which flit around the porch light are busy doing more than decorating car grills under…Read more

Dragons and Damsels: Banes of Mosquitos

The images of dragons lurk in myths and nightmares.  They are pitiless creatures which will dine on any and all flesh which come within their grasp, but they are especially fond of devouring helpless damsels. Some who wish to establish an immediate reputation for ruthless, callous behavior have assumed the term to suit their malevolent…Read more

A Dash of Color in High Summer

As the weather has warmed up and the day lengths have peaked, some early season wildflowers have gone to seed and become a muted part of the background landscape. Their blooms will return next year, if environmental conditions are favorable. Other native plants have stepped into the bloom void to contribute their pallet of colors…Read more

The Pesky Plant Pest With an Unusual Name

A name can be a defining aspect of an identity. It can portray a variety of characteristics, both real and imagined, for the holder. In addition to family identities, the name can project strength and honor for the owner. Noted historical figures of times past can contribute to the evoked image. Many Hollywood stars-to-be have…Read more

The Cause of a Thousand Sniffles

The world is returning to something resembling a state of equilibrium. The collective sigh of relief is moderated by the knowledge that the grass and weeds are growing with wild abandon. Given the substantial and consistent rains during the spring of 2022, the growth and expansion of sneeze-inducing weeds has been tremendous. The primary offender-to-be…Read more

The Problems Caused by Pine Bark Beetles

Also written by Chris Renn. Despite the damage incurred by recent hurricanes, notably Hurricane Michael in 2018, the pine tree industry in Florida still is a major contributor to the state’s economy. This industry includes the growing of trees for timber, pulpwood, pine straw and pine rosin (turpentine), and it provides for conservation and public…Read more

The Ultimate Florida Icon

Nothing on four feet is identified with Florida as much as the alligator. The toothy grin is found on post cards, T-shirts, and a nearly unending list of tourist promotional items which invite visitors to come to the sunshine state and leave their money. Florida has two native species of crocodilians, the American alligator (Alligator…Read more

An Aerial Angler With an Appetite

Fishing is a wonderful pastime for the amateur angler. There is fresh air, open spaces and the chance of catching a fish worth bragging rights. For the professional the situation is different. The success or failure of the effort will determine if food is available for the family, ultimately a circumstance of life or death….Read more