Tag: Native Species

North Florida’s Torrent of Toads

They just appear, almost magically, creating a landscape come alive with bouncing bits and pieces. Looking like animated leaf litter and forest floor detritus, the irregular staccato pulse of the earth-toned hopping causes pause to evaluate. Much like Moses calling down God’s second pestilence on Pharaoh, panhandle Florida is experiencing its own latter-day plague-of-toads. To…Read more

A Pest That Will, if Not Controlled, Have Homeowners Frothing in Anger

The first indication of a problem is the mysterious white blob about the diameter of a quarter in the turfgrass or on a weed.  The frothy material hides a potential menace to the funds and hours of labor committed to the groomed and manicured lawn. This globule is usually the first sign a spittlebug is…Read more

Lesser-Known Pollinators: Not Just Bees

As spring hurtles towards summer, the palette of colors in natural areas changes by the week.  Flowering trees, shrubs and wildflowers provide a Technicolor display for anyone willing to spend the time to take it in. The hues cover the spectrum and some blooms come with pleasant perfumes to offer the viewer a distraction from…Read more

An Inseparable Part of the South, Not of a Tasty Salad

Weeds are making appearances all across panhandle Florida with fresh supple leaves and, in many cases, blooms and developing fruit or seeds of some sort. While these unplanned plants come in all sizes and shapes, it is the large ones that are frequently noticed first. One of these is the common pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), a…Read more

They May Not Get Along With Home Owners, but at Least They Have Each Other

Being social has many positive aspects.  For highly social creatures, being alone is not an acceptable state of existence. There is always at least one other individual present with which to interact.  There is work, play, eating and many other activities to share. Social does not mean always coexisting on a friendly basis.  In some…Read more

A Nocturnal Predator That is a Real Hoot

Late spring’s warm nights in panhandle Florida are raucous and noisy, especially in the untamed, forested expanses.  The decibel level reaches well above 100 as the non-human residents engage in conversations and social activity at an ear-splitting volume. Frogs of all sizes and octaves, buzzing locusts, and other insects loudly stake out their territory, seek…Read more

A Native Critter Always Looking to Slow Down and Cool Off

The arrival of 90 degrees plus temperature readings will have many residents slowing their pace for the explicit purpose of not overheating. The soon to come summer shuffle, along with a good hat and plenty of water, will partially mitigate the solar excesses. One native creature is well adapted to these weather extremes by the…Read more

A Different Kind of Entertainment Floating Through the Airwaves

It may be hard to believe now, but there was an epoch before the age of electronic gizmos when children universally awaited the return of warm weather which signaled the end of school was near. The balmy temperatures lured most youth into the outdoors, each anticipating new adventures and discoveries in the woods and waters…Read more

The Mosquito-Hater’s Best Friend

The consistent and ample rains recently seen over Florida’s panhandle assure enough moisture is available for home gardens and landscapes as well as agricultural production. It has also minimized, if not eliminated, the need for irrigation and its associated cost for all of the above As with anything good, there is always an associated negative…Read more

Sparkleberries: A Friend in Winter

“Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need,” so observed Titus Maccius Plautus, Roman playwright, about 2200 years ago. In modern parlance the remark has been abbreviated to “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. When winter sets in with all its hardships and privation, there are many birds…Read more