For those with any level of visual acuity, November is the beginning of an overwhelmingly colorful season. Holiday lights, decorations and merchandising efforts all vie to use the most conspicuous and unavoidable selections of shades, many of which cannot be found in nature. Fortunately, panhandle Florida has many wondrous colors in the leaves of plants…Read more
People who collect items do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the purpose is an unlimited curiosity about the subject which is collected. Stamp and coin collectors often fall into this category. Others collect to satisfy an insatiable want to physically possess the subject of their obsession. In extreme cases this is labeled hoarding…Read more
Exotic invasive species are a continuing problem for panhandle Florida and many other places in the country. The non-natives are brought into an ideal environment where they can grow and proliferate with unrestrained abound. The cost of their control can be measured in millions of dollars annually and in countless numbers of native species pushed…Read more
Sometimes camouflage is the best option for making inroads toward one’s objective. This ruse can be quite effective for going unnoticed, until an event exposes the truth of the situation. Such has been the case with many defoliated or partially defoliated plants and trees as the autumn progresses. Any resident of north Florida may stare…Read more
The moderating temperatures and periods of reduced (relatively speaking) humidity are making outdoor activities far more attractive for a majority of people. Whether walking a nature trail or pulling weeds in the garden, the thermometer reading encourages getting outside. Sometimes residents and visitors are concerned about a surprise encounter with one of the 45 species…Read more
With north Florida’s warm autumn weather, there are still many active plants in the environment. Seed distribution is starting in the wild places and in manicured landscapes area wide. One such colonizer, Andropogon virginicus, is a species of weedy grass known as broomsedge. Not a true sedge which has a triangle shaped stem, it is…Read more
Creeping is a term that implies malevolence, which concludes with an unpleasant surprise. This activity is usually committed by creeps, another word with negative connotations as applied to the holder. With Halloween a few days away, there are many creeping creature impersonators preparing to lurk in neighborhoods with faux menace. Their objective is to collect…Read more
About 80 species of Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) are found throughout the world, 21 of which are native to some region of Florida. Some species are more common than others, but all of the Florida species are identifiable by their bright golden inflorescences which appear in late summer to early fall. Goldenrod plays several important roles…Read more
The change of seasons from summer to autumn brings out new colors in the countryside and residential areas. The transformation of tones and highlights depends on the region of the country and the species putting on the show. Here in north Florida, the bright fall hues are primarily contributed by the bountiful wildflower bloom. Annuals…Read more
Kermit the Frog, Muppet philosopher and foil for Miss Piggy, has been quoted as saying, “It’s not easy bein’ green”. It does not take much imagination to appreciate the potential multiple meanings of this statement. Political and environmental sustainability implications aside, a straightforward interpretation of the statement reveals an obvious truth. The existence of tiny…Read more