Tag: Native Species

Free, Natural Pest Control!

The lush green foliage of Wakulla County hides many secrets. Lurking in the murky recesses of nature’s dim places are a collection of tiny creatures with a variety of competing interests. Some organisms are there only to control the unrestrained growth of the plants and fungi which utilize the available resources. Others, with carnivorous intent,…Read more

Prickly Weeds and Pesky Berries

The end of summer has many wishing to enjoy their lawns barefooted for merriment and dancing before the onset of the inevitable cooler weather. Even the ongoing hot weather can be enjoyed, or endured, better with the soles of one’s feet in contact with grasses. Unfortunately, there are some cautions which must be taken in…Read more

A Flower Best Avoided

Redundant terms emphasize the qualities which are exhibited by the tangible item or the abstract concept represented. This grammatical technique is meant to immediately accentuate the traits, be they positive or negative. For example almost everyone has some idea of how honey tastes: sweet. However there are those who must accentuate this quality by identifying…Read more

The Roadside Invasion

The unexpected arrival of visitors off the highway has a variety of implications and consequences. Some can be positive and some negative. The surprise appearance in many cases leaves the host scrambling to react appropriately and recover from their lack of awareness to the potential of a stopover. The soon to arrive holiday season has…Read more

Tree of all Trades

The current potential for extreme foul weather has many residents of north Florida concerned about the safety of the trees near their homes. While it is almost inconceivable to imagine the area without these important plants, in the wrong circumstance they can be quite hazardous. While any debilitated or unhealthy tree has a high risk…Read more

Land, Trees and Water: Florida’s Frogs

The hot days of August can be endured in a variety of ways. Of course there is always the ever present air conditioned environment, but it is getting a bit claustrophobic in these days of social distancing. Another alternative is a trip up north, way up north. A change of scenery combined with a drop…Read more

Turkey Association

Word association is an interesting mental connection into the personality of the responding subject. A word is given and the respondent is to reply with the first term which pops into their mind. Some psychologists believe the response reveals how people subconsciously group concepts, ideas and experiences.  The theory is this linkage influences how individuals…Read more

Hummingbirds: Always on the Move

Social distancing and all the other COVID-19 safety protocols have complicated life. Once simple activities have taken on a new complexity and resulted in additional obstacles for safely completing any duty or chore. As such, the deeds, tasks, and jobs all are piling up at a feverish clip and the frequency is accelerating.  The rapidity…Read more

Flamingos: Wading for a Good Meal

A surprise visit from an acquaintance can be a pleasant distraction from the day-to-day routine most experience. It allows the participants to catchup on life and activities of mutual interest, and possibly to plan for future interaction. The spontaneous appearance also can raise questions as to why the guest suddenly, and unexpectedly, appeared. Did they…Read more

Wasps: Wings and Stings and Eating Little Things

Now that the weather has settled into a summer temperature pattern, there is more time for outdoor activities while social distancing. Most of the sounds of nature are pleasant and inviting, but there are a few which put the listener on alert. Low frequency droning is one of those unmistakable sounds, especially when associated with…Read more