Tag: Native Species

An Underappreciated Flower of Many Uses

It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost half over. Autumn, at least on the calendar, will begin in late September with more moderate temperatures. While there are still some, or many, hot humid days left to endure, the gradual dwindling hours of sunlight indicate the approach of hopefully cooler weather and a…Read more

It’s Lonely at the Top, but the Eating Is Good

Life can be lonely at the top, but there are certain advantages. Command of the heights is an entrenched doctrine of every military on the globe. The origin of this convention traces its beginning back to controlling the high ground and letting gravity do the work of hitting the target fast and efficiently. First it…Read more

The Huge Changes of a Life in the Garden

At any point in time a subject under inspection may be in a transitory state which soon passes into a form more representative of the creature’s primary existence, but which is very different from its starting point. Most local insects are excellent examples of this principle. They may appear bright and colorful, only to change…Read more

The Vampiric Pests of the Home Garden

Horror movies have, for over a century, featured a pantheon of destructive creatures rampaging through the world. Their characteristics have varied over the decades, but they always manage to return. In recent years zombies have been the nightmare of choice. Kill one and 5000 come to its funeral before returning to sacking society. More than…Read more

Future Fliers of the Sunshine State

The bright colors of spring’s blooms have faded into the inviting shades of early summer. While spring’s brilliance stands in stark contrast to winter’s muted tones, summer has an easy and inviting appearance. Still, there are splashes and patches of bright foliage in all parts of panhandle Florida. Tropical sage, for example, adds red flowers…Read more

A Sweet Result of Recent Rain

One thing is certain, the recent rains are making the grass, and most other plants, grow. Thankfully the conversations about drought have been silenced for the time being and everything is green. In the local home gardens a member of the grass family is responding positively to all the moisture from above. Sweet corn in…Read more

An Event 221 Years in the Making

Evenings in panhandle Florida produce a raucous din created by insects, amphibians and birds. Anyone hearty enough to take an early evening walk in north Florida will experience a continuation of the frenetic activity and riotous sounds typical to summer in the south. The near deafening call of cicadas (Magicicada spp.) is part of the…Read more

To Be Refined, or Go Wild? The Sunshine State’s Native Fruit

Being refined can be a desirable quality. It reflects a process in which the best possible features have been distilled and are on display. With this refining process there are traits which are suppressed and sometimes lost forever. While these lost characteristics are rarely missed in today’s homogenized existence, their absence lends a consistent repetitiveness…Read more

A Colorful Beauty With Many Uses

In the days before mass marketing, big box retailing and internet sales, people had to create their own solutions to the wants and needs of daily life. The results were based on the materials at hand and were often imaginative, but sometimes bordering on the absurd. If purchasing and bartering were not an option, then…Read more

The Amazing World of the Sunshine State’s Wasps

The generalized reputation of any group is always suspect because the actions of a few members can tint or taint the collective perception of all members. Any assemblage has its saints and sinners, but most of those associated are just going quietly about their assigned task. This concept applies to humans, and also to insects….Read more