Christmas decorating traditions reflect the culture where the holiday is celebrated. The use of red and green as the colors for the celebration arrived with the European settlers centuries ago. Without the readily available accessories which could be delivered to home porches with the click of a button, the newcomers had to innovate. Local foliage…Read more
It is a frequently used theme in horror movies and horticulture. An alien species is introduced into a pristine environment, either intentionally or by accident, and quickly escapes control to the detriment of the locals. It is always better theater if the invader has as many overt malevolent qualities as possible. Parasitic behavior which slowly…Read more
Last minute Christmas bargains are being hurled at the panhandle’s citizens through every conceivable mass media channel known to humanity. The retail establishments are packed, and the package delivery services’ abilities are straining at the coming deadline. The indecisive are now at the panic point where choices must be made or disappointment (and unending recriminations)…Read more
Sometimes camouflage is the best option for making inroads toward one’s objective. This ruse can be quite effective for going unnoticed, until an event exposes the truth of the situation. Such has been the case with many defoliated or partially defoliated plants and trees as the autumn progresses. Any resident of north Florida may stare…Read more
Last minute Christmas bargains are being hurled at north Florida’s residents through every conceivable mass media channel known to humanity. The retail establishments are packed with harried shoppers and the last minute delivery service’s abilities are straining at the coming deadline. The indecisive are now at the panic point where choices must be made or…Read more