It will soon be the night before Christmas, and many a creature will be stirring in the house. Fortunately, it is not likely to be a mouse. The stockings are hung… somewhere in the abode with the hopes that Saint and Mrs. Nicholas got all their shopping done. The tree, either real or synthetic, represents…Read more
Winter of 2024/25 officially starts on Sunday, December 20, 2024. One can only guess if it will be harsh or mild by panhandle Florida standards. Along with the short days, the foliage’s color and leaf drop reflect the obvious. Still, there are native species which are displaying an emerald tint, at least for the time…Read more
Clipping, clearing, pruning and shaping are all part of the cool season improvement effort. There are also a variety of projects which require penetrating beneath the soil’s surface into the mostly unseen realm of roots and rhizomes. The common tree or shrub root holds few surprises. A woody root appears as the subsurface equivalent of…Read more
In the days before mass marketing, big box retailing and internet sales, people had to create their own solutions to the wants and needs of daily life. The results were based on the materials at hand and were often imaginative, but sometimes bordering on the absurd. If purchasing and bartering were not an option, then…Read more
There is something to be said for being a longtime area resident. The geographic familiarity helps promote focus on perfecting the traits which are applicable and close to home. The unique, and very pleasant, environment of north Florida is an excellent example of near perfection, on a localized basis. The weather (within reason), the fauna…Read more
Gardening is messy, muddy and a lot of work, especially after recent rains. But the benefits of gardening are tremendous, from healthy food to understanding and appreciating nature. In panhandle Florida recent cold temperatures have left many residents undecided about what to grow in this part of the year given spring could arrive at any…Read more
The winters in north Florida are always (relatively) pleasant, especially when compared to the rest of the country. While ice-age conditions may be inflicting a polar environment on the Midwest and New England, here in the panhandle the season of short days and long nights only means the lawnmowers get a rest. Even with the…Read more
As the year progresses to its terminal date in about three months the landscape, in areas both domestic and wild, is beginning to take on subdued tones. Native wildflowers and flowering trees will soon begin their season of repose. The artificial holiday decorations which irradiate panhandle Florida with colors not found in nature are already…Read more
With panhandle Florida’s schools back in session, the summer break of 2023 is done much to the relief of many parents. Still, the heat and humidity remain typical to August. Even though a bit extreme this year, the heat should come as no surprise to anyone who has been in panhandle Florida for more than…Read more
Dogs are always happy to see “their” humans, the wet nose and worshipful gaze usually a comfort. Cats are a bit different. Sometimes they will purr and cuddle, and at other times they will stare blankly as if weighing the pros and cons of consuming their human companions. Unfortunately, both domestic species have a well…Read more