Tag: Perennials

The Seed Collecting Season

People who collect items do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the purpose is an unlimited curiosity about the subject which is collected. Stamp and coin collectors often fall into this category. Others collect to satisfy an insatiable want to physically possess the subject of their obsession. In extreme cases this is labeled hoarding…Read more

A Couple of “Snakes” in the Grass

The moderating temperatures and periods of reduced (relatively speaking) humidity are making outdoor activities far more attractive for a majority of people. Whether walking a nature trail or pulling weeds in the garden, the thermometer reading encourages getting outside. Sometimes residents and visitors are concerned about a surprise encounter with one of the 45 species…Read more

Broomsedge: Sweeping Away the Competition

With north Florida’s warm autumn weather, there are still many active plants in the environment. Seed distribution is starting in the wild places and in manicured landscapes area wide. One such colonizer, Andropogon virginicus, is a species of weedy grass known as broomsedge. Not a true sedge which has a triangle shaped stem, it is…Read more

The Creepiest Cucumber

Creeping is a term that implies malevolence, which concludes with an unpleasant surprise. This activity is usually committed by creeps, another word with negative connotations as applied to the holder. With Halloween a few days away, there are many creeping creature impersonators preparing to lurk in neighborhoods with faux menace. Their objective is to collect…Read more

Garden Beauty Without Backbreaking Labor

“A penny saved is a penny earned” is the famously frugal advice from Poor Richard’s Almanac. The author Benjamin Franklin, elder statesman and founding father of the United States, offered this simple pearl of wisdom to 18th century American colonists as a reminder to cautiously manage their assets. This method has met the test of…Read more

The Blazing Stars of Panhandle Florida

Being on top is usually a good position. It is the place which denotes exceptional accomplishment and has the best view, especially of those below who are looking up in anticipation of reaching the pinnacle. Starting at the top is substantially rarer. There are historical examples, but they are very few which frequently arose with…Read more

Butterfly Peas: The Skipper’s Meal of Choice

It has been a refrain heard throughout the centuries and likely originating during the Neolithic epoch. “Eat your vegetables,” is the anthem of almost every parent during mealtime when juveniles are involved. While there are many green substances on the plate which are perceived as offensive by the progeny, peas are known for their repulsive…Read more

The Meal of Choice for Discerning Caterpillars: Passion Flower

Cooking shows are popular entertainment. Everyone from masters to aspiring chefs share their passion for specific culinary specialties and styles. In contemporary north Florida there are some colorful native insect residents which have a desire for specific plants. Monarch butterflies are one species, but another is the Gulf Fritillary. The object of its dining obsession…Read more

The Sedge Family: Pesky Lawn Residents

Large families are always an interesting collection of individuals with curious and occasionally unique characteristics, but they still have a common connection running through all the relations. Getting members together reveals both the similarities and the differences. Holiday get togethers frequently highlight the vast variations. There is always the crazy uncle with the tacky jokes,…Read more

Brazil Pusley: The Native Invasive

Kudzu, Old World climbing fern, and tropical soda apple are all widely known as invaders which were introduced into the region from faraway and exotic locations.  Each has its own story of how it arrived here and escaped into a welcoming environment. Once established, these and other alien plant interlopers have aggressively pushed out native…Read more