Tag: Seasons

The Importance of Mulch and a Few Other Winter Tips

There has been a collective sigh of relief now that the December holiday season has passed. While it was fun seeing the extended family (at least most of them) and indulging in sugar-coated treats, it is time to return to some semblance of normality. School and work schedules have returned to their pre-holiday routines and…Read more

The Natural Beauty Hidden Among Winter’s Muted Shades

The winters in north Florida are always (relatively) pleasant, especially when compared to the rest of the country. While ice-age conditions may be inflicting a polar environment on the Midwest and New England, here in the panhandle the season of short days and long nights only means the lawnmowers get a rest. Even with the…Read more

A Hardy, Healthy, and Tasty Garden Staple

The uncertainty of weather makes winter gardening a challenge in panhandle Florida. It is too cold for the summer vegetables, and the ups and downs of the temperature can make cool season crops a challenge. If it is warm too long the leafy, cool season vegetables will bolt, putting up flowers to produce seeds. When…Read more

Some Things to Do (And Not to Do) for the Next Few Months

By the time this post is read, the Christmas gifts so carefully wrapped with care and love will be shredded beyond recognition. At least the list of seasonal activities and social engagements will have been somewhat reduced. The current five-week holiday period ends with New Year’s Eve and the start of 2024. Luckily this is…Read more

Signs of the Season With Storied Histories

Christmas decorating traditions reflect the culture where the holiday is celebrated. The use of red and green as the colors for the celebration arrived with the European settlers centuries ago. Without the readily available accessories which could be delivered to home porches with the click of a button, the newcomers had to innovate. Local foliage…Read more

Hardy, Healthy, and Tasty Bulbs to Light up the Season

The winter weather has finally arrived. The temperatures have retreated to the seasonal averages and, fortunately, the rain has been sufficient to ensure good growing conditions. There are currently plenty of cool season leafy garden crops in production among panhandle Florida’s gardeners, but one vegetable offers a variety of uses and taste selections. Garlic planted…Read more

How North Florida’s Insects Survive the Cold

An often-heard refrain is “I hope it gets cold enough to kill all the bugs.” While the thought is understandable from some perspectives, it is totally impractical. Most bugs and other tiny critters, be they insects, arachnids or worms, are beneficial to human habitation of the planet. They provide a myriad of important, but often…Read more

An Easy to Grow Salad Staple

One common complaint about vegetable gardening is it takes so long for the end product to be ready for harvest. In most cases the average is 90 days, but some can extend out to 180 or more. Another is the seasonal limitations of plants. The range of acceptable temperatures is relatively narrow for most, but…Read more

A Healthy Garden Through the Winter

The cool days and cooler nights of December have removed home gardening from the minds of many suburban residents recently arrived in panhandle Florida. Much of the region’s commercial vegetable production has moved to warmer counties in the extreme southern parts of the state. However, the holiday season has refocused the attention of many to…Read more

The Winter Flight of the Butterflies

Notoriety can be a positive attribute when events go as planned (or hoped). Such is the case with the much-heralded Monarch Butterflies’ recent departure. These colorful insects have garnered the interest and concern of tens of thousands, if not millions, of people who are worried an age-old annual pilgrimage to winter grounds in Mexico may…Read more