The covers feel really great on cold February mornings, especially when it is time to get up and go. Warm and secure, there is a strong impulse to remain in bed for as long as possible and delay the thermal shock of the world beyond blankets and quilts. Despite that instinct, most residents of the…Read more
From a bird’s perspective, 2021 has been a pretty good year so far. There was enough rain for plants to thrive and provide ample sources of food for the plethora of avian species residing or visiting locally. The lush bounty of greenery produced seeds and fruit for the birds which require those commodities in…Read more
For those with any level of visual acuity, November is the beginning of an overwhelmingly colorful season. Holiday lights, decorations and merchandising efforts all vie to use the most conspicuous and unavoidable selections of shades, many of which cannot be found in nature. Fortunately, panhandle Florida has many wondrous colors in the leaves of plants…Read more