Tag: Social Insects

A Gardener’s Buzzing, Bumbling Best Friend

Bumble is an adjective which, at the very least, indicates a person or creature is not nimble. Bumble usually modifies an insult to compound its effect, such as bumbling fool, bumbling idiot, and so on. Actors and actresses have made a career in the entertainment industry bumbling to the pleasure and amusement of their respective…Read more

Ways to Survive the Stinging Cold

Snow, sleet and subfreezing temperatures should result in an absence of insects for a while, especially the ones which sting. Despite the many negative attributes of the January 2025 blizzard, at least a stroll outside would not result in bothersome bugs. Expectations aside, the bugs are back. Social insects seemed to have the quickest return…Read more

Snug as a Bug in a Log

One of the perpetual mysteries of life which is occasionally discussed over a cup of coffee on cold mornings is “how do the bugs survive in the frigid weather?” The truth is most do not, a vast majority living only a year or some seasonal fraction of it. Many human residents take pleasure, some sadistically,…Read more

Preparing for Fall in the Sunshine State

Ever since June 20 of this summer, the days have been getting gradually shorter. On Sunday, September 23, 2024 the autumnal equinox will occur and the days will continue to get inexorably shorter. This change in the length of daylight is so subtle it is not noticed by most of the human residents of panhandle…Read more

An Event 221 Years in the Making

Evenings in panhandle Florida produce a raucous din created by insects, amphibians and birds. Anyone hearty enough to take an early evening walk in north Florida will experience a continuation of the frenetic activity and riotous sounds typical to summer in the south. The near deafening call of cicadas (Magicicada spp.) is part of the…Read more

The Amazing World of the Sunshine State’s Wasps

The generalized reputation of any group is always suspect because the actions of a few members can tint or taint the collective perception of all members. Any assemblage has its saints and sinners, but most of those associated are just going quietly about their assigned task. This concept applies to humans, and also to insects….Read more

The Spring Renewal Is on the Way

Panhandle Florida’s winter of 2023/24 has had some frigid nights. The frosty mornings have not been a rarity. Even so, there are signs winter is grudgingly retreating. Aside from the occasional warm day, the daylight hours are obviously increasing. Officially spring is still four and a half weeks away, beginning on March 19, 2024. This…Read more

A Great Opportunity to Learn About Bees

The hobby of beekeeping has gained considerable popularity in recent years. As such, the Apalachee Beekeepers Association is offering a beginning beekeeping short course on February 24, 2024. The class will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Crawfordville, located at 84 Cedar Avenue. Topics will include the fundamentals of beekeeping, beekeeping equipment, hive…Read more

Working Hard to Survive the Cool Season

As the days begin to shorten and cool, a few insects remain just as active as they did six months ago. All spend their days searching for the diminishing food supplies in preparation for the inevitable. Chief among these hardy six-legged creatures is European Honeybees. The social insects with a matriarchal home life are still…Read more

The Cooperative Hordes of the Sunshine State

Misery loves company, as the old saying goes. And working outside in the heat and humidity of August 2023 certainly qualifies as challenging. In this light, being a social creature has somewhat positive aspects since the task will be completed sooner. Having collective experiences is an important social activity which assures the continuation of the…Read more