Having a bank account is a 21st century necessity. The bank, whether online or “brick and mortar”, holds monetary resources in reserve for future use. Some of the resources are expended within the year, and others are held in reserve for use at some indeterminate point in the future. It could be a European vacation…Read more
Despite soil being the foundation of our yards and gardens, most people know little-to-nothing about it. Soil is a dynamic, living system that enables plants to function properly. Soil does not necessarily equate to ‘dirt’ which usually implies a state or quality of uncleanliness. Soil performs at least four functions in relation to plants. The…Read more
Hurricane Sally is now last week’s news. Comparatively, it is a footnote in the year 2020 which has turned out to be quite a 12 month period in the history of the almost everyone. Still some mundane chores are currently underway in an effort to recover from the storm’s effects. Hopefully readers of this post…Read more