Generalizations are an easy way to attempt to predict the character of almost any subject or thing without examining the situation or details. The scenario goes if X is present, then Y will occur. Alas, life is far too complex for generalizations to be of much use and in many cases simple rationalizations lead to…Read more
Tag: Solitary Insects
More Than Just Butterflies Add Color to the Season
Autumn is the season of bright colors in the landscape. Even the insects, mostly butterflies, contribute to the technicolor scenery. Insects other than butterflies complement the polychromatic hues too. The oblong-winged katydid, Amblycorypha oblongifolia as it is known to entomologists, is a prime example. This grasshopper-like insect is a member of the subfamily Phaneropterinae, which…Read more
Not All Wasps Are Grumpy
The generalized reputation of any group is always suspect because the actions of a few can tint or taint the collective perception of all members. Any assemblage has its saints and sinners, but most of those associated are just going quietly about their assigned tasks. This concept applies to humans, and also to insects. Wasps…Read more
The Amazing World of the Sunshine State’s Wasps
The generalized reputation of any group is always suspect because the actions of a few members can tint or taint the collective perception of all members. Any assemblage has its saints and sinners, but most of those associated are just going quietly about their assigned task. This concept applies to humans, and also to insects….Read more
A Natural Solution to Garden Pests
The spring weather has provided enough rain for the plants to burst into growth. Stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, grasshoppers, all sizes of caterpillars and many more have been enjoying the lush and plentiful dining selections. More than one north Florida homeowner or gardener has noticed the sudden appearance of a hungry pest species which is…Read more
Noisy Native Ground Nesters
There are certain sounds which attract the immediate attention of people and set off instinctive reactions. Car alarms and sirens are two good examples. At the first sound of a car alarm, most of those present instantly look around to see what occurred. It may as be simple and harmless as the owner accidently hitting…Read more
An Ant’s Worst Nightmare
The old saying identifies the lion as the king of the jungle, feared and respected by all. Every creature which lives in or enters its realm, be it jungle or savanna, must respect the hierarchy of the order. Legend has it the regal creature can be generous with vassals or savagely brutal. The reason or…Read more
Woodworkers to Watch Out For
There are certain sounds which cannot be ignored. They convey an immediate message which calls the listener to be alert and prepared. These noises, even in the panhandle, are uniquely distinct and are not likely to be confused with other audio messages. One of these acoustic alarms is buzzing, especially in close proximity. While there…Read more
The Always Boring Pest
The effects of January’s cold weather in panhandle Florida have many characteristics. In addition to the realistic possibility of the occasional subfreezing thermometer readings and frosts, there is the quiet. Still, the rumble of vehicle traffic remains, the whine of the occasional jet passing is overheard and the general sonic clutter in populated areas persists,…Read more
Wasps in Florida: Sour Dispositions with Important-To-Nature Missions
The low frequency droning is unmistakable. The casual flight pattern belies the potential agony of an encounter and the real possibility of a painful attack from multiple directions. Wasps in north Florida, and most other regions, are known for their dyspeptic nature and vile retaliation if provoked. They are the grumps of the mini aerial…Read more