Tag: Stinging Insects

A Gardener’s Buzzing, Bumbling Best Friend

Bumble is an adjective which, at the very least, indicates a person or creature is not nimble. Bumble usually modifies an insult to compound its effect, such as bumbling fool, bumbling idiot, and so on. Actors and actresses have made a career in the entertainment industry bumbling to the pleasure and amusement of their respective…Read more

Ways to Survive the Stinging Cold

Snow, sleet and subfreezing temperatures should result in an absence of insects for a while, especially the ones which sting. Despite the many negative attributes of the January 2025 blizzard, at least a stroll outside would not result in bothersome bugs. Expectations aside, the bugs are back. Social insects seemed to have the quickest return…Read more

The Amazing World of the Sunshine State’s Wasps

The generalized reputation of any group is always suspect because the actions of a few members can tint or taint the collective perception of all members. Any assemblage has its saints and sinners, but most of those associated are just going quietly about their assigned task. This concept applies to humans, and also to insects….Read more

The Amazing, Nightmarish Meals of Young Wasps

Snack foods are a typical American part of any break from school and a holiday staple. There are so many from which to choose, each with its own unique flavor and texture. In recent years, these well preserved (or petrified) treats have come under near constant criticism from a variety of health professionals. There is…Read more

Lesser-Known Pollinators: Not Just Bees

As spring hurtles towards summer, the palette of colors in natural areas changes by the week.  Flowering trees, shrubs and wildflowers provide a Technicolor display for anyone willing to spend the time to take it in. The hues cover the spectrum and some blooms come with pleasant perfumes to offer the viewer a distraction from…Read more

Noisy Native Ground Nesters

There are certain sounds which attract the immediate attention of people and set off instinctive reactions. Car alarms and sirens are two good examples. At the first sound of a car alarm, most of those present instantly look around to see what occurred. It may as be simple and harmless as the owner accidently hitting…Read more

Wasps in Florida: Sour Dispositions with Important-To-Nature Missions

The low frequency droning is unmistakable.  The casual flight pattern belies the potential agony of an encounter and the real possibility of a painful attack from multiple directions. Wasps in north Florida, and most other regions, are known for their dyspeptic nature and vile retaliation if provoked.  They are the grumps of the mini aerial…Read more

Swarming Bees: In the Market for a New Home

Spring is the season for moving to a new location in the panhandle that offers many benefits, but a few challenges too.  The big question is where is the best relocation site offering all the amenities needed with the prospects of improving one’s situation? Efficient shelter from the elements is always on the top of…Read more

Wasps: Angry, Surly, Peevish

The low frequency droning is an unmistakable acoustic cue for anything with auditory capabilities.  There are times though when the menacing monotone is not present and the pain is a complete surprise. While the lilting and directionless flight pattern can camouflage the potential agony to the inexperienced, any physical encounter has the real possibility of…Read more

Wasps: Wings and Stings and Eating Little Things

Now that the weather has settled into a summer temperature pattern, there is more time for outdoor activities while social distancing. Most of the sounds of nature are pleasant and inviting, but there are a few which put the listener on alert. Low frequency droning is one of those unmistakable sounds, especially when associated with…Read more