Tag: Water

An Excellent Reason to Watch Your Step Under the Waves

Barnacles are one of those frequently overlooked creatures until the oblivious swimmer or fisherman contacts their sharp and jagged outer shell. Related to crabs and lobsters, these animals are commonly found in shallow waters which advance and retreat with the tides. Barnacles affix themselves permanently to hard, dense objects, thereby encrusting their surface. This includes…Read more

The Key to Clean, Healthy Florida Water

Recent rains have water standing on some panhandle Florida real estate which was dry only a few weeks ago. Ponds, natural and dug, are brimming with water, reflecting the excessive outpouring from the slow and wet weather system which passed listlessly over the region. The rain-water surplus is also filling the natural geographical low points…Read more

Shrimp With an Impressive Shelf Life

The pools, puddles and temporary ponds left behind by 2022’s summer rains are receding daily, only to be momentarily refreshed by the next afternoon’s scattered showers. The fleeting surface water is already home to little creatures, and not just mosquitoes.Fairy shrimp are making appearances across panhandle Florida in places not normally associated with any species…Read more

Flamingos: Wading for a Good Meal

A surprise visit from an acquaintance can be a pleasant distraction from the day-to-day routine most experience. It allows the participants to catchup on life and activities of mutual interest, and possibly to plan for future interaction. The spontaneous appearance also can raise questions as to why the guest suddenly, and unexpectedly, appeared. Did they…Read more