Tag: Weeds

How to Use Timing to Support a Happy, Healthy Lawn

October has traditionally been the beginning of harvest season. Many agricultural crops are reaching maturity and, depending on several environmental factors, are soon to be ready for gathering. During the bygone era when the population was self-reliant and attuned to the seasonal changes, getting next year’s seed stock prepared was a critical activity. If next…Read more

A Pest Problem for the Yard Itself

Even today, there are mysteries and riddles which defy understanding. One of those endless enigmas is the common names of objects or tangible things, especially some plant species. Many plants have identifiers which accurately recognize their function as it relates to human contact. Two examples of locally common plants are purple nutsedge and sandspurs. Purple…Read more

The Pesky Plant Pest With an Unusual Name

A name can be a defining aspect of an identity. It can portray a variety of characteristics, both real and imagined, for the holder. In addition to family identities, the name can project strength and honor for the owner. Noted historical figures of times past can contribute to the evoked image. Many Hollywood stars-to-be have…Read more

The Cause of a Thousand Sniffles

The world is returning to something resembling a state of equilibrium. The collective sigh of relief is moderated by the knowledge that the grass and weeds are growing with wild abandon. Given the substantial and consistent rains during the spring of 2022, the growth and expansion of sneeze-inducing weeds has been tremendous. The primary offender-to-be…Read more

An Inseparable Part of the South, Not of a Tasty Salad

Weeds are making appearances all across panhandle Florida with fresh supple leaves and, in many cases, blooms and developing fruit or seeds of some sort. While these unplanned plants come in all sizes and shapes, it is the large ones that are frequently noticed first. One of these is the common pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), a…Read more

A Landscape Problem Lurking Just Under the Surface

Nuts are a popular snack for people and many animals. In panhandle Florida many can be produced in home gardens and orchards. Wild hickories and oaks annually produce a bumper nut crop for the squirrels, deer and other wildlife which are dependent on the fat and nutrients to make it past the cold season. Pecans…Read more

Peering Into the Future Using a Native Tree

As February closes in on March, some are asking the age-old question: “Is spring here?” A few moderately warm days will stimulate interest in the topic for a variety of reasons. Methods to determine the seasonal transition vary widely. Calendar dates aside, some forecasting methods have a basis in scientific observation, and others in folklore…Read more

Pesticide Labels: A Quick Guide

Every pesticide, whether organic or synthetic, sold in the United States comes with a pesticide label.  That label is a legal document detailing the expectations for the safe, proper and legal use of the pesticide by the applicator. The purchaser and/or applicator is assuming certain responsibilities when deciding to use a pesticide. Using such a…Read more

A Thorny Sign of Change to Come

The botanical pause of winter is monotonous in its consistency. Each day, with very few exceptions, is just like the one before it, with plants in suspended animation. February brings the first inkling of the burst of activity coming to panhandle Florida which will soon arrive with vigorous growth and riotous color. One herald for…Read more

An Invasive Horror to Native Plants

It is a frequently used theme in horror movies and horticulture. An alien species is introduced into a pristine environment, either intentionally or by accident, and quickly escapes control to the detriment of the locals. It is always better theater if the invader has as many overt malevolent qualities as possible. Parasitic behavior which slowly…Read more